The Chabad Shul attracts community members from diverse backgrounds. Participants are not judged by their ability to take part, nor by their religious knowledge. All shul services are warm, relaxing, haimish and easy to follow. Friday night & Saturday morning services enjoy a great spirit and communal participation.

When you enter our Chabad House, you will be greeted with a warm welcome, encouragement and support. Our Shul participants are actively involved in the services, which are meaningful and inspirational.

Located in the heart of Beverly Grove near W 3rd St and Crescent Heights Blvd. Please call for exact location.

Friday Night Services
Mincha 10 minutes after candle lighting
followed with Kaballat Shabbat.

Shabbat and Holiday Morning Services
10:00 am

We are in close proximity of the SLS, The Orlando and Sofitel hotels.
For more information please call 323-852-6907 or email [email protected]